
Designing User Expectations to Your Product's Advantage - greenlyharsecy

Every user has a determined of expectations regarding your cartesian product (app, web site, new feature, etc.) before they start using it. A well behaved design not only fulfills expectations but also sets and manages them. A bad one does the Same, but in a "grenade + putter" fashion.

So how do we dictated, fulfill and deal them? Have me use a real life example to instance the matter.

Place setting Expectations

It's a rare thing today for a customer to bumble upon a altogether original service they own no idea nigh. Even if IT's a first time user, there is a high chance they:

  • heard something about your intersection from friends / multiethnic media / ad
  • saw an introduction video from a landing Thomas Nelson Page
  • compare it with something similar from yesteryear experience (even if IT's not an accurate comparability)

Away the clip the substance abuser actually starts using your product, Oregon some part of it, they already take in expectations. It means that they leave follow looking for features they're expecting and will ignore features they aren't.
Here's an example of how expectations are set:

Slack. Merchandising pitches aside, what 1st-clock users see when first visiting their website is A messaging app for teams. What kinds of expectations do they get from this sentence?

Messaging App for teams

  • Send messages
  • Receive messages
  • Some merciful of contact listing

If thither is a messenger, I expect to message with it.

Electronic messaging App for teams

  • Transferable version
  • Standalone translation

If there is an app, I expect to download IT.

Messaging App for teams

  • Corporate pricing
  • Management tools integration

I await some kind of pricing and team tools, supported on my previous experiences.
Let's squall this our basic set of expectations. People will be looking to fulfill them to a higher place completely others.
Users are motivated to fulfill their expectations. If they are unable to do this, healthy, then the design is bad and populate leave be frustrated. Which leads us to…

Fulfilling Expectations

I might be saying the obvious, but here we go. Good design fulfills user expectations. Additionally, every feature has its own level of prospect.
In every congeal of expectations there are some we highly bear, those we'Re not sure we'll find, and those that we don't expect at all. The destination is to fulfil expectations starting from the highest to the last.
This computer menu is a model of how substance abuser's expectations are fulfilled:
Product, Pricing and Patronise. These 3 options fully embrace our first gear fit of expectations. Better yet, their order reflects non only their popularity, but the even out of expectation besides.

  • High: Download an app. Most of the citizenry just neediness to get the app
  • Medium: Pricing. Cost expectations are usually not a top priority at this signal because people harbour't put-upon the product notwithstandin
  • Low: Not many another of us expect support in a messenger. But suffer itself is an arithmetic mean management machine

Flirt with IT. Most of the presale/patronise questions begin with low expectations from your users. If people ask how to download your app, that might be a bad sign. On the other hand, if your endure covers forward expectations, it's great, engaging, builds loyalty, and is really a subject for a whole some other article.
So expectations were set they were met. What else could be cooked? Let's see.

Managing Expectations

Ane would think that a "Product" button would lead the States straight to a "Download" push. That would be good. But why father't we use this to our advantage?

Think about what kinds of expectations users have at this moment? Same as I mentioned a few paragraphs above- messaging, receiving, and a contact list.

Plus the user wish be convergent on finding these features. And so they ask to download an app and fulfil their current expectations. This is their motivation.

Simply there are so many unusual small handy things that attain this app stand out. How might you tell users active them? You create another set of expectations using pre-existing ones.


This is what happens when you press a "Product" button.

People centralised along determination that "Download" button see to it this video turn. Suddenly, they take up a great chance to fulfil their current expectations (to get wind if the messenger really sends messages) just by watching a video.

Gauge what? The television is a great opportunity to mention not just Key app features but small, classy ones, as well, in a brief, convenient data format- non to note creating a primed of new expectations, of of course.
Ok, all this hypothesis is very saintly. A good, prepared example of how you determine, fulfil, and do substance abuser's expectations. In the next article, based on my recent usability studies of one of our features, I'll show you a imitative one. More importantly, I'll also she how to deal with information technology.

About the Writer

Andrew Burmistrov is a serviceableness specialist of Icons8. He started his career as a headphone support specialiser, telling jokes while customers were rebooting their computers, and so moved to usability testing and casual writing.

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